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First Day's Introduction - First Steps

Welcome to my Q- That is what my husband calls his journal and I'm excited to start my own. I hope that through writing down my thought and experiences I will become more focused in my goals and seeing which step I need to take next.  This will be the making of me.

This is where I am currently.  My name is Micaela Webb.  I also go by Mica pronounced Meeka.  I am a daughter of God.  I didn't always know this or understand what this meant.  I was blessed to discover my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ when I was twenty-one. That moment began everything for me.  That moment showed me my potential and was a catalyst for change in my life.  I began to examine my life and choose which habits to let go of and which habits to begin developing.  It has been brutal and so rewarding. Through this process I have come to have a knowledge of who Jesus Christ is.  I know that he knows us each personally and perfectly and guides us to becoming the people we are meant to be.  This is the power of the atonement! To be able to see ourselves and others as we truly are, to repent and make course corrections and to love others on who are on their journeys. Because of this relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ, I enjoy being a beginner.  This is a huge blessing because I have needed to become a beginner in every area of my life in order to correct bad habits and begin new habits that are correct and good.  In some areas of my life I feel proud of how far I have come, in others I know I have yet to begin.

I am becoming a beginner yet again.  I have returned to school.  I want to finish college, a task that I failed miserably at years ago. I am preparing myself to be a better mother to teenage children and looking forward to the day that my children move out.  I want to be able to contribute to our household income so that we might be more self-reliant and I want to be able to do this in a flexible and rewarding way.

I am thirty-six years old.  I am married to the best person for me, seriously.  His name is Philip and we've been married for thirteen years. We have five children.  Three little girls and two little boys who I love and are been behind my courage to change and seek out counsel from my Heavenly Father about my education.

Why have I chose Entrepreneurship?  I consider Entrepreneurship the same as problem solving.  I want a degree in problem solving! I want to be able to teach and model those skills to my children.  Beyond that definition that I have given it, I actually don't know much more about it.  I'm excited to learn and grow!

Lessons Learned from Week One:

I'm cautiosly optimistic that I have chosen the right degree for me.  We were asked to read "Whole Souls as an offering Unto Him" by Elder Bednar and it resonated with me.  In it he quotes Richard L. Evans who said, "You know, it is a wonderful thing to be faithful, but a much greater thing to be both faithful and competent."  I have a testimony of this.  We need to develop our talents and our gifts.  This helps us to navigate this Earthly life and allows us to help others.  

Lessons Not Learned Week Two:

Ha! I have so many questions and am feeling a little daunted by the new school schedule that I have put out there for myself.  My challenges this week will be creating a schedule that keeps me on task and on time.  I'm not very good at branding and I'm not sure what talents that I have that would grow into a business.  I'm excited to find out. 


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