Integrity is something that I became aware of in my twenties as I began to study the gospel and gain a testimony. I wanted that sense of peace that I knew would only come from living an honest life. That decision has been an incredible blessing. It has taken a lot of work. I grew up afraid of harsh punishments and consequences for mistakes. As a result, I discovered that if I just didn't say anything or if I lied, things would go smoother. Lying and rationalization became a tool of survival. As I learned about my Savior and began to partake of his atonement, I learned that I did not need this tool. That in fact, it was a harmful tool that caused me deep pain, stunted my opportunities, kept me from real relationships and created heavy anxiety. Almost fifteen years later, I am amazed at the peace living a life of integrity brings. We read a talk by Sheri Dew on integrity this week where she says, "..t rust, which can onl...